Выпускники Санкт-Петербургского Государственного Университета (Ленинградского Государственного Университета) Выпускники СПБГУ - главная страница [помощь] [о нашем сайте] [выпускники] [бытие]

 Выпускник СПБГУ

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Senkov Oleg

Биолого-Почвенный факультет, выпуск 2000 г.
отделение/кафедра: "Common Physiology, Zhuravlev Group (Simple Neuronal Networks)".

Senkov  Oleg

ICQ Написать сообщение298-536-817
дом.стр. http://www.freewebs.com/olegsenkov

Научная деятельность:
Научная степень: 'PhD'
Тема диссертации или область научных исследований: 
"PhD thesis: 1. A role of PSA-NCAMs in fear conditioning-induced synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus and amygdala of mice; 2. Spatio-temporal inducible NCAM gene ablation causes deficit in contextual and audible information processing within the hippocampus and amygdala of mice; 3. The role of PSA-NCAM in NMDA-Rs signaling activated during contextual and cued learning. PhD thesis as pdf file, free access, full: http://www.sub.uni-hamburg.de/opus/volltexte/2007/3242/".
UKE, Neurophysiologie und Pathophysiologie Institut -   Postdoc

Личные данные:
Родился(-ась) 31.03.1972 в городе Dnepropetrovsk.
Место жительства: Germany, Hamburg
Женат: нет

Биография после окончания Университета:
...once upon a time I decided to get my PhD in Germany --> I went in the Net for seaching... mainly by using the NatureJobs portal www.nature.com/naturejobs & www.sciencejobs.com --> I targeted right people at right places :)) sending them my CV --> I made a short trip abroad to pass an interview of the lab of my major interest --> one month later or so I had got my contract in one very famous but hard working laboratory, ZMNH... --> 4 years later I moved to another institute in a hospital, still working on my endless in number PhD & postdoc projects... :)))
See you either here or there, or definitely somewhere else! :)))
Пожелания и комментарии:
...be good, smart & happy...
...be one for all, all for one till the end whatever it costs...
...SPbSU is the best university I have ever seen so far... :-) let\'s make it even better together :))
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